Can Gums Grow Back After Gum Contouring Surgery?

Do you have a gummy smile or a receding gumline? Either of these concerns may require gum contouring surgery to help rejuvenate the smile and improve oral health. Gum contouring surgery involves careful and precise techniques to reshape the gums around your teeth while protecting them from harmful plaque buildup. At Trusted Dental Care in Wylie, TX, expert laser dentist Dr. Fesaha Gebrehiwot or “Dr. G.” proudly offers gum contouring for a healthier, wider, and even-looking smile. In this blog, Dr. G. discusses gum contouring surgery techniques, the benefits, and how to maintain your results. Please read through the blog and schedule an appointment with Wylie, TX dentist Dr. G. to learn more about gum contouring.

Who is a candidate for gum contouring surgery?

Gum contouring surgery can help patients who suffer from excess gum tissue or advanced stages of gum disease. This advanced procedure addresses a variety of oral health issues or aesthetic concerns, like:

  • Puffy gums

  • A “gummy” smile
  • Bad breath
  • An unbalanced gumline
  • Gums that recede
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Advanced bone loss

Dr. G. is happy to offer this gum treatment to enhance your smile and protect your oral health from the adverse side effects of advanced periodontal disease.

What is gum contouring surgery?

Dr. G. places this type of dental procedure into two categories: gum disease treatment or gum removal surgery. Depending on your needs, we provide specific techniques, including gingival flap surgery, gingivectomy, or gingivoplasty. If you need gingival flap surgery, Dr. G. starts by numbing the area, making an incision, retracting the gums, cleaning the roots of the teeth, returning the gums to their proper position, and placing a suture to close the incision.

A gingivectomy takes away excess gum tissue near infected areas. A gingivoplasty shapes the gum tissue around the teeth after gum disease or because of excess gum tissue. For patients that need gingivoplasty, we may use laser gum treatment to help shape the gums. Dr. G. discusses all of this information during a comprehensive consultation at Trusted Dental Care to ensure you feel knowledgeable. If you experience dental anxiety, we can include this option in your treatment plan to help you remain comfortable.

Do gums grow back after laser surgery?

Because we also have to contour the bone underneath your gums, the results are long-term, and the gum tissue will not grow back. However, to keep your mouth healthy, you should maintain good oral care. We highly recommend brushing twice a day, using floss once a day, avoiding ice, reducing nervous habits, like chewing on fingernails and pens, and scheduling routine dental appointments.

Treat gum disease or reduce excess gum tissue.

Please schedule a consultation with Dr. Fesaha Gebrehiwot at Trusted Dental Care in Wylie, TX to reduce excess gum tissue or treat gum disease. Dr. G. wants you to have a healthy, confident smile that lights up the entire room! Our caring team looks forward to assisting you with your dental needs!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.