Porcelain VeneersCandidacyin Wylie, TX

Are Porcelain Veneers the Best Option for You?

Porcelain veneers are a popular and versatile cosmetic dentistry option, designed to enhance the appearance of your smile by correcting various dental imperfections. But who is the ideal candidate for porcelain veneers?

Our Wylie dentist breaks down the ideal candidates for porcelain veneers below. To schedule a consultation, call our dental office, Trusted Dental Care, at (214) 702-0446.

woman smiling in the mirror

Ideal Candidates for Porcelain Veneers

Individuals with Discolored Teeth

One of the most common reasons people opt for porcelain veneers is to address tooth discoloration. Veneers can effectively cover teeth that are:

  • Stained from coffee, tea, or wine
  • Discolored due to smoking
  • Affected by medications like tetracycline
  • Naturally yellowed or darkened with age

Those with Chipped or Broken Teeth

If you have minor chips or cracks in your teeth, porcelain veneers can restore their appearance and strength. Veneers provide a uniform and smooth surface, making your smile look whole and healthy again.

People with Gaps Between Teeth

Porcelain veneers can close small gaps between teeth without the need for braces or aligners. By placing veneers over the teeth, the dentist can create a seamless and even appearance, enhancing your overall smile.

Individuals with Worn Down Teeth

Teeth can become worn down over time due to grinding (bruxism) or other factors. Porcelain veneers can rebuild and reshape worn teeth, restoring their natural length and providing a balanced bite.

Those with Irregularly Shaped or Misaligned Teeth

If you have teeth that are irregularly shaped, slightly misaligned, or uneven, porcelain veneers can create a symmetrical and harmonious smile. While veneers aren’t a substitute for orthodontic treatment, they can address minor alignment issues.

People Seeking a Hollywood Smile

Porcelain veneers are a popular choice for those looking to achieve a “Hollywood smile” with perfectly aligned, white, and uniform teeth. Veneers offer a quick and effective way to transform your smile into one that is worthy of the red carpet.

Free smile makeover or free veneer consultation

Factors that Affect Candidacy

Overall Oral Health

Before getting porcelain veneers, you need to be in good oral health. If you have gum disease or other oral health problems, you may not be a good candidate for this treatment. We recommend addressing any oral health concerns before undergoing a veneer treatment.

Tooth Structure

Your teeth must have enough structure to support the veneers. If your teeth are severely damaged or decayed, you may need to consider other treatments, such as dental crowns or dental implants. You also need to have an adequate amount of tooth enamel to support the veneers.

Teeth Grinding

If you grind your teeth, you may not be a good candidate for porcelain veneers. Grinding can damage the veneers and cause them to break or become dislodged.

Bite alignment

If you have a misaligned bite, you may not be a good candidate for porcelain veneers. Veneers can change the shape and size of your teeth, but they can’t correct issues with your bite.

How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

Porcelain veneers can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years, depending on the individual case. With proper care and maintenance, some porcelain veneers can even last up to 25 years. However, it’s important to note that the lifespan of porcelain veneers can vary from person to person and from case to case. Some people may need to replace their porcelain veneers sooner than others due to various factors.

Factors That Affect Veneer Longevity

Various factors affect how long porcelain veneers last, including:

  • Oral Hygiene Habits: Good oral hygiene is essential for the longevity of porcelain veneers. Poor oral hygiene can lead to gum disease, which can cause the veneers to fail. Make sure you’re brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing regularly, and visiting your dentist biannually.
  • Bite Forces: Teeth grinding and clenching can put excessive pressure on porcelain veneers, causing them to crack or chip. Wearing a nightguard can help protect the veneers from these forces.
  • Diet: A diet high in sugar and acidic foods can cause the veneers to deteriorate over time. Limiting the consumption of these foods can help prolong the lifespan of porcelain veneers.
  • Smoking: Smoking can stain and discolor porcelain veneers, reducing their lifespan.
  • Accidents or Trauma: Accidents or trauma to the face can cause the porcelain veneers to crack or chip, requiring replacement.
  • Quality of Materials: High-quality materials and proper placement techniques can significantly improve the longevity of porcelain veneers.

Porcelain Veneer Alternatives

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening can improve the brightness of your smile in just a few short visits to the dentist. Some dentists even offer in-office treatments as well as take-home whitening kits. However, teeth whitening may not be suitable for those with dental restorations, such as dental crowns.


Lumineers can be a great alternative for those looking for a less invasive option. Since they’re thinner than porcelain veneers, they don’t typically require any tooth enamel shaving or grinding. They’re placed directly on your teeth, giving you a renewed appearance.

Orthodontic Treatment

Some dental issues can’t be fixed with porcelain veneers. For those with severe misalignment or bite problems, you may need orthodontic treatment. Your dentist may recommend traditional braces or Invisalign to help you correct your smile alignment.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are placed over damaged or decayed teeth to restore function and appearance. They’re designed to match the appearance of a natural tooth and can be made from various materials.

young man smiling

Frequently Asked Questions

Determine Your Candidacy for Porcelain Veneers with Dr. G!

Porcelain veneers can be a great option for improving the appearance of your teeth. However, it’s important to consider whether or not you’re a good candidate for this treatment. To determine if porcelain veneers are the best treatment for you, contact our dentist in Wylie today to schedule your appointment at (214) 702-0446.
