The Cost ofDental Implantsin Wylie, TX

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

On average, the cost of a single dental implant and treatment ranges from $3,000 to $5,000. However, the total cost of treatment will depend on several factors, including the number of implants needed, the type of implant used, and the complexity of the case.

While they offer unparalleled stability and longevity compared to other dental restoration options, many patients are concerned about the cost. If you’re interested in dental implants in Wylie, contact our top-rated dentist today by calling our practice at (214) 702-0446 and scheduling your consultation.

dental implant

Factors That Influence Dental Implant Cost

Various factors will influence the total cost of your dental implant treatment, including:

  1. Number of Implants: The more implants you need, the higher the cost will be. Replacing a single missing tooth will cost less than replacing multiple teeth with individual implants.
  2. Implant Material: Dental implants can be made from different materials, such as titanium or zirconia. Titanium implants are more common and often less expensive than zirconia implants.
  3. Implant Brand: Various dental implant manufacturers offer different products at different price points. Some well-established brands may charge a premium for their implants.
  4. Implant Size and Type: The size and type of implant needed for your specific case will affect the cost. Mini dental implants or specialized implants, may be more expensive than standard ones.
  5. Implant Placement Location: Implants can be placed in the upper or lower jaw bone, and their location within the jawbone can affect the complexity of the procedure. Implants in the posterior (back) of the mouth tend to be more challenging and may be more expensive due to their proximity to important anatomical structures.
  6. Pre-implant Procedures: Any pre-implant procedures, such as tooth extraction, a sinus lift, or a bone graft, may be necessary and can affect the total cost.
  7. Anesthesia and Sedation: The type of anesthesia or dental sedation used during the procedure can impact the cost. General anesthesia or IV sedation, tends to be more expensive than local anesthesia.
  8. Location: The cost of dental implants can vary by location and even within different regions of the same country. Areas with a higher cost of living tend to have higher dental implant costs.
  9. Dentist’s Experience and Reputation: Dentists with vast experience in implant dentistry may charge higher fees for their expertise and track record of successful implant placements.
  10. Insurance Coverage: Some dental insurance company plans may partially cover the cost of dental implants, reducing your out-of-pocket expenses. However, coverage varies widely.

The Average Cost of Dental Implants

The cost of dental implants can vary widely. On average, you can expect to pay:

  • Single Implant: $3,000 to $5,000
  • Multiple Tooth Implant: $6,000 to $10,000
  • Full Mouth Implant: $24,000 to $50,000

To receive an estimate for dental implant treatment, contact our dentist in Wylie today by calling (214) 702-0446.

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Additional Costs of Dental Implants

In addition to the dental implant cost itself, several other costs may be associated with dental implants. These costs can include:

  • Consultation and examination: Before treatment can begin, patients will typically need to schedule a consultation and examination appointment with a dental professional. Here, our dentist will examine their existing teeth and dental health to determine the best treatment option. The price of these appointments varies depending on the practice and its location.
  • X-rays and imaging: Dental implant treatment often requires X-rays and digital imaging to help plan the procedure and ensure the implant placement is in the optimal location in the jawbone. The price will vary depending on the advanced technology used.
  • Surgery: The cost of the surgery to place the implant will also be a factor. The total will depend on the complexity of the case, the type of implant used, and the location of the practice.
  • Abutment and restoration: After the implant is placed, an abutment (the connector piece) will be attached to the implant, supporting the restoration (the visible part of the implant). The cost of the abutment and restoration will depend on the type of restoration used, such as a dental crown, dental bridge, or dentures.
  • Follow-up care: Patients will typically need to schedule several follow-up appointments to ensure that the implant is healing properly and to have the restoration placed. The total price of these appointments will depend on the practice and its location.

Dental Insurance and Financing

Does insurance cover dental implants? When it comes to insurance and financing options, the coverage can vary greatly depending on the individual’s plan. Many dental insurance plans don’t cover the entire cost of implant treatment. However, some plans may cover a portion of the initial consultation cost or offer discounts for certain types of implant treatments.

Financing options are also available for patients who cannot pay for implant treatment out of pocket. Many dental practices offer financing plans with low or no interest. Patients can also explore other options like Care Credit, Lending Club Patient Solutions, and Wells Fargo Health Advantage Credit Card.

Contact our dental office in Wylie today at (214) 702-0446 to learn more about our dental insurance policy and get your appointment scheduled.

Are Dental Implants Worth the Cost?

Dental implants offer numerous benefits for those missing teeth that make them a worthwhile investment:

  • Durability: Implants can last a lifetime with proper care.
  • Aesthetics: They look and feel like natural teeth.
  • Functionality: Implants restore full chewing ability.
  • Bone Health: They prevent bone loss in the jaw and prevent adjacent teeth from shifting.
  • Convenience: Unlike dentures, implants don’t need to be removed for cleaning.
woman putting a coin in her piggy bank

Frequently Asked Questions

Invest in Your Oral Health With a Dental Implant

Dental implants are a significant investment in one’s oral and overall health, self-esteem, and quality of life. While the initial cost may be high, the long-term benefits of dental implants make them a wise investment for many.

To learn more about the cost of dental implants in Wylie, contact our dentist, Dr. G, today at (214) 702-0446. At your initial consultation, he’ll provide you with a full breakdown of the specific price of your treatment.
